Which Discworld Character are you like (with pics)
You scored as a Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax
You are Granny Weatherwax! The most powerful witch on the Disc! You often use headology rather than actual spells, and are a very good witch, despite the fact that you sometimes wish you were a bad one. You play a mean game of Cripple Mr. Onion, and have a very powerful stare. By the way, you should really get that broom fixed…
Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax 75%
Lord Havelock Vetinari 75%
Carrot Ironfounderson 69%
Commander Samuel Vimes 50%
Gytha (Nanny) Ogg 50%
The Librarian 44%
Rincewind 44%
Greebo 38%
Death 38%
Cohen The Barbarian 38%
Tulemus oli mõneti ootamatu (vanaema Ilmavaha!) ja mõneti ootuspärane (lord Vetinari). Otsustavaks sai kannatlikkuse määr või õigupoolest kannatamatuse määr. Oleks mul kannatlikkust, oleks täis Vetinari :D:D:D
Sisemist agressorit paitab ja tunnustab 38% barbar Cohenit ja teist sama palju Greebot :P
Kaderile tänusõnad vihje eest!
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